(2018) 4/2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 82–95
Title of the article Social and Psychological Aspects of Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence Against Women
PhD in Psychology, docent, associate professor, department of psychology and social work, Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine brygadyr_m@i.ua
PhD in Psychology, docent, associate professor, department of psychology and social work, deputy dean, law department, Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine oksanakov@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4/2
Pages [82–95]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The phenomenon of violence dominates the society at the level of stereotypes, the destruction of which is a long process and requires the unification of eff orts of many social institutions (public associations, human rights organizations, religious institutions, educational institutions, etc.).
The affirmation of equality in the relations between men and women, the elimination of violence must be carried out simultaneously at all levels of the functioning of modern civilization. The desire to understand the origins of domestic violence, its nature, unites the eff orts of modern psychologists, sociologists, social workers, law enforcement agencies in finding forms, methods for preventing violent behavior, and assisting its victims. In view of this, research on determinants of mental changes in women who have been subjected to domestic violence, the determination of the factors of aggressive behavior by domestic violence, is relevant, so the problem of domestic violence is recognized by the world community as one of the most common forms of human rights violations.
The purpose of the article is to explore and analyze the social and psychological aspects of preventing and combating domestic violence against women.
Thus, a study of various aspects of preventing and combating domestic violence against women, the possible types of violence against women in the family is conducted, the features of violence against women are singled out, and the ways of organizing systematic changes in society in the context of overcoming tolerance to the effects of gender inequality and prevention of domestic violence are determined.
It is concluded that overcoming this problem is inert, but possible, if simultaneously apply the potential of the legal, social and psychological spheres. First of all, the reform requires a legal system which task is to establish equal gender relations in all spheres of life at the legislative level. In a social context, approaches to social responsibility, social equality and social justice need to be changed. The psychological level of the problem is the most complicated, because it requires the restructuring of the consciousness of each actor in society. In view of this it is necessary to involve the entire potential of psychological practice, which, through the methods of interaction, harmoniously and consistently prompted to improving moral norms at the personal level.
Keywords violence; types of family violence; gender equality.
List of legal documents
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Authored books
2. Halai A (ed), Mizhnarodnyi dosvid poperedzhennia ta protydii domashnomu nasylstvu: monohr. [International Experience of Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence: monogr.] (KNT 2014) 160 (in Ukrainian).
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Edited books
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6. Walker L, ‘The Battered Woman Syndrome’ Hotaling G and Finkelhor D (eds), Family Abuse and Its Consequences: New Directions in Research (Sage Publications 1988) (in English).
Journals articles
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